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Allium fistulosum (F1 Hybrid)


150+ days from sowing
Regular price $12.00

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Succulent, fresh and fragrant – Negi is a staple of Washoku, cultivated in Japan since antiquity. This allium (related to onions and leeks) is found in many traditional Japanese dishes. Grown and repeatedly buried in deep soil, Negi is distinguished by its long, white stalks and hollow green tops. Managed well, they can grow over 30" long. 

We offer two varieties, selected for easy growing:

  • S8 for sowing December - February, harvesting in late summer. 
  • W5 for sowing March - April, harvesting in the winter. 
See growing information below for more details.

Growing Information

Varieties and timing:

  • S8: Sow December - February, transplant March - April, harvest August - December.
  • W5: Sow March - April, transplant May - June, harvest December - February.


  • Transplanting recommended. Sow 3 seeds per cell into a 128-cell tray.
  • Fill cells evenly and fully with soil, shake gently to settle. Do not press hard on the soil; heavy compaction may prevent germination.
  • Sow seeds 1/4" deep and cover gently. 

Pruning & Preparation

  • Prune seedlings at 5" in length — cut to remove top 1" to stimulate more growth.
  • If multiple seedlings per cell, gently separate prior to transplanting. 


  • Transplant to 2" spacing.
  • Plant deep: transplant 4–6" deep into soil, so only the green part of the stalk is showing. 


  • Water generously once plants are established (3 times per week).
  • Hilling: to establish the characteristic long white shank, the base of the plant cannot be exposed to sunlight. Bury plants repeatedly when the shank is 3” above the soil. 


  • Harvest at 10–18" in length (depending on hilling) when fistulous layers form together and tighten. 
  • Mature stalks will feel dense, not spongy, when squeezed. 
  • Negi can hold in the soil for weeks after maturity, and can store for up to 8 weeks. 

Cooking Information

Boasting a garlic-like aroma and sweet, earthy flavor profile, Negi is used to bring out the savory notes in meat, fish and vegetable dishes without overpowering them. Traditionally served as part of the Negima Yakitori, grilled negi pairs well with meats such as seared steak, pork chops and poultry. Negi can be substituted for leeks in pot roasts, onion tarts, potato gratins and casseroles for a hearty, slightly sweet flavor.

Negi is used as an aromatic – perfect for sprinkling over udon, ramen and soba and garnishing. Use negi as you would scallions or green onions in omelets, sauces and sautés, and as a topping for pizzas, soups and salads.

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