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Transplanting: Fioretto and Shishimai 

Transplanting: Fioretto and Shishimai 

In this article, Chris explains his methods for transplanting Fioretto and Shishimai seedlings into home gardens and fields. He points out important considerations such as when to transplant, soil and irrigating.


 The Basics:

  • The seedlings are ready for transplant when the plants pull easily from the tray and roots have filled the cell. Water your transplants well prior to moving them to the field or garden.
  • Prepare your soil with organic fertilizer, incorporate, and remove large dirt clods or stones.
  • Check your soil moisture. We don’t recommend running water during the transplant process. Make sure the soil is pre-moistened.
  • In a commercial setting, space twelve inches apart with mechanized planter.
  • If planting by hand, maintain a straight planting line, twelve inches apart.
  • Pro Tip: average garden shovel is roughly 12 inches in length. This can easily be used to place the correct spacing between plantings.
  • For Shishimai: get your plants 3-4 inches deep and above the first true leaves.
  • For Fioretto: press firmly into soil. In the garden, space 12 inches apart. Loosen soil with a garden shovel and firmly place plants.
  • Irrigation: Consider soil type, DO NOT over irrigate. Chris has sandy soil therefore he sets up two sets of irrigation. The first irrigated watering is for six hours, then second watering is eight hours. This is split up because of sandy soil. The first watering lets the water go down into the ground and the second watering helps to push the moisture laterally.
  • Settle plant: You want to help your plants settle and minimize the shock of transplanting. After watering post-transplant to stimulate rooting, back off of watering. Do not overwater. We want to let the roots establish and work to get water. 
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