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Japanese culture

The Two Types of Japanese Kabocha

Different varieties may have unique textural qualities, and might be best suited for certain culinary applications. 

Goma-ae 胡麻和え with Tatsu Komatsuna

Learn how to make a the classic Japanese staple Goma-ae using Tatsu Komatsuna.

The Many Types of Negi

Is Negi the same as scallions, or green onions? How are they related to Leeks? How many types of Negi are there? “Negi” can be a confusing term as it is used to describe a few different types of Allium fistulosum. When translated, Negi becomes “green onion”, but this doesn’t work too well when you dig deeper.

Happy Lunar New Year, Year of the Usagi

The above is part of a 3-panel woodblock work by Utagawa Kunisada c. 1850, called "Actors as Lion Dancers".  With th...

Seven Greens Porridge | Nanakusa Gayu | 七草粥

Seven Greens Porridge | Nanakusa Gayu | 七草粥:Stemming from Chinese tradition, January 7th is known as 人日の節句 (Jinjitsu no Sekku) or 七草の節句 (Nanakusa no Sekku) in Japan, when this healthful rice porridge is eaten in celebration and to recover from the New Year's festivities.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Learn about Osechi, or Japanese New Year's dishes and their hopeful symbolic meanings.

The end of the year in Japan: O-souji | 大掃除

The end of the year in Japan means... 大掃除|O-souji (big cleaning!)  Did you know that this tradition dates back centu...

Winter Solstice / 冬至

In Japan, the Winter Solstice, also known as the shortest day of the year, is celebrated as a symbol of harmony and ...


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